Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 09

House sitting for the holidays is nice when out of town friends don't want to go back to their parents' homes after the bar closes.

Not to knock on people from LA but the only people with balls enough to ingest a live worm were me and my pal, The Cobra.

Following that, I may or may not have burned a hole in the rug where I was house sitting.

Can you see it?

(It's at the bottom center of the pic)

My Mom is famous for giving gifts that disappoint. I've decided that when telling my Mom what I want for x-mas, I get very specific and pretty much delegate to her my resupply of calender stationary.

I don't quite understand why she'd package it in an empty box, twice the size of my gift, though.

Was she hoping that I'd find relief when I opened the mysterious box and not find a stupid ebay gift?

My Mid-West Grandma still seems to recall when that kid stole our christmas money, and now she sends my cards in more secure parcels.

My sister will do anything to get others to agree that my dad is strange.

Toilet paper rolls behind your bedroom door is fucking strange.

I came across them when wrapping gifts at my Dad's house.

I have no idea why he'd be hording used toilet paper rolls. I looked it up and seriously, none of this shit is stuff my dad cares about.

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