Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rules of the Marion Manor of Iowa

1. No more chances.
2. No snotty, self-absorbed, - do as [you] damn well please - attitudes.
3. No slobbery (in part, or in total).
4. No rights.
5. No minding of business of which is not your own.
6. No further transgressions.
7. No snotty outbursts.
8. No sneaking out.
9. No staying out past 11:00pm on work nights.
10. No tromping up the stairs.
11. No leaving the lights on.
12. No cooking nor phone calls into the late hours of the night.
13. No AWOL's.
14. No bathroom messes.
15. No hiding messes behind closed doors.
16. No smoking (and no evidence there of).
17. No dirty Dishes.
18. No kitchen messes.
19. No misplacing of household items.


Edward M. Meshuris said...

Is this for your sister?

es138 said...

As a matter of fact it is. She's moved to Iowa to pursue the opportunity to go to school, but she's butting heads with our mid-west family and things are in their twilight and getting really strict.