Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Enough people blogged over the somewhat humorous, somewhat adorable (if you're a girl), extremely uncomfortable video posted by the young DannyHott (then 10 years old) singing "Touch My Body."

With lyrics such as:

Touch my body
Let me rub my thighs
all around your waste
just for a little taste

The blogosphere debuted his single under titles like "Where are this kid's parents?"

Of course he didn't write the song, he just sang it. And perhaps it was an oversight on his part to post a video which would serve as cafeteria-bully gold. But, after subscribing to his video blog and watching many, many of his videos, I've come to find that this angelic, energetic little boy views himself as somewhat of a diva. And though I have little to base this on, I presume he's probably also a playground sass.

The question: "Where are this kid's parents?" is not so much answered when I see them in the background of his video posts, but more-so comes back into my thoughts when the kid broadcasts, across the internet, things like his full name, where he lives and subtle clues which could make it almost impossible for a pederast not to take the afternoon off and drive by his school.

Dare I say he's asking for it?

Aside from the comically homo-erotic spelling errors all over his posts-

Anyone who's caught DannyHott Fever is destined to come across photo after photo of the sexy little star.

Here's Danny looking heroin sheik.

Here's Danny in makeup NOT seen in The Dark Knight

Here's one of Danny spread-eagle with balls on his head.

And how does this picture below become the cover to his myspace photo album?

The DannyHott way, of course!

Nonetheless, sexually aware or merely a blunderous child, my assertion that this kid is a diva was confirmed when I saw his video post which I found both puzzling and abruptly bizarre.

FYI: I looked into this, and during stages of denial, you're supposed to promote daily functions to keep the child grounded in reality... things like dressing himself.

Update: I've come to notice, after reviewing this post, that Danny may have been wearing the shirt and chain seen in this picture of his father posing with their parrot Maui.

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